1930 trains


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We're going to use this page to put up changing assortments of family pictures--for special events or anything else that catches our fancy. This picture is from our newest collection, "Trains, Stations and Crashes".

Any other ideas?

[link to postcards]Postcards from the Front.These postcards were sent by a father fighting in World War I to his three small daughters to try to explain to them why he wasn't at home.

[link to family reunion]McKague-McGregor Family Reunion, 1999. If you were there, relive the event. If you weren't, see what you missed.

[link to trains]Trains, Stations and Crashes.Some of Ontario's early railroad history in photographs.

[link to schools and groups]Schools and Groups. Pictures of school classes and other gatherings. And yes, when we could we've included names.

[link to life on the farm]Life on the Farm. Variety is the spice of life!

[link to enjoying the good life]Enjoying the Good Life. What's your pleasure? Stuff that keeps us smiling.

[link to hard at work]Hard at Work. Things that keep us busy (some of the time).

[link to hats]Hats. "Where did you get that hat? Where did you get that tile? / Isn't it a nobby one, and just the proper style! / I would like to have one just the same as that." / Where'er I go they shout, "Hello! Where did you get that hat?"

[link to transportation]Transportation. What a way to go--bounce...thump...rumble...oops...

[link to uniforms]Uniforms. Do clothes make the man/woman/Cub Scout?

[link to weddings]Weddings. Yes, the grooms missing from some of the pictures really did show up at the church!

[link to calendar]McKague Year 2000 Calendar. For those of you who missed it first time round.

[link to main photographs page]Back to main photographs page
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